After not posting for a long time, I'm not even going to try to catch up. I would, however, like to share the amazing vocabulary of my 16-month-old! :)
Nachdem ich lange nicht mehr gepostet habe, werde ich nicht mal versuchen aufzuholen. Ich möchte allerdings den erstaunlichen Wortschatz meines 16-Monate altes Kindes! :)
The following is a list of the 25 most common first words. If she says them, I'll put the form in bold.
Folgend ist eine Liste der 25 bekanntesten ersten Wörter. Wenn sie die sagt, werde ich den Form fettgedruckt machen.
Mommy / Mama
Daddy / Papa
Milk (Kilk) / Milch
Juice / Saft
Hello / Hallo
Yes / ja
No / Nein
Dog (Puppy) / Hund
Cat / Katze
Nose / Nase
Eye / Auge
Banana / Banane
Cookie / Kekse
Car / Auto
Hot / Heiß
Thank you / Danke
Bath / Bad
Shoe / Schuh
Hat / Mutze
Book / Buch
All gone / Alle
More / Mehr
Bye bye / Tschüss
She says a handful of other words, too. Of note: her favorite word is duck. She also knows several planets because we have a poster of the solar system, which she loves. I'm so proud!
Sie sagt ein Handvoll andere Wörter auch. Zu merken: ihr Lieblingswort ist Ente. Sie kennt auch mehrere Planeten, weil wir ein Poster des Sonnensystems haben, das sie liebt. Ich bin so stoltz!
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Friday, May 2, 2014
My determined child / mein zielstrebiges Kind
I've been reading a book lately called The Child Whisperer about different energy types of children because I recognized fairly early that my child is very different from me and I wanted to be able to help her to become her best self. Since I've been reading about determined children, I've come to realize that many, many parents with children like mine find them to be "difficult" children. I just wanted to share some aspects of her determined-ness and say so there can be no misunderstanding: I love my child just as she is!
Ich lese gerade ein Buch, das heißt der Kinder-Flüsterer und geht darum verschiedene Arten von Energie in Kinder, weil ich ziemlich früh erkannt habe, dass mein Kind sehr unterschiedlich ist von mir und ich wollte ihr dabei helfen ihr bestes Ich zu werden. Seitdem ich über zeilstrebige Kinder lese, merke ich, dass viele viele Eltern mit Kindern wie meins finden, dass die "schwierig" sind. Ich möchte nur ein paar Aspekte ihre Zielstrebigkeit teilen und sagen, damit es keine Misverständnisse geben kann: ich liebe mein Kind genau wie sie ist!
She works toward things. When she sees something she wants, but can't reach, she'll try to get it herself before she looks at me to help her. I think this is a sign that she is an independent, goal-oriented person. This will help her as an adult to go after what she wants and not to depend on others for help. Yes, it can be difficult when she's a baby because she doesn't understand that there are dangers waiting around the corner. But that's what I'm there for. To try and redirect that discoverer's energy to something more age-appropriate.
Sie arbeitet an Dinge. Wenn sie etwas sieht, das sie haben möchte aber nicht erreichen kann, versucht sie zuerst alleine, bevor sie zu mir guckt um Hilfe. Ich denke, das ist ein Zeichen, dass sie ein unabhängiger zielstrebiger Mensch ist. Das wird ihr als Erwachsene helfen an das zu arbeiten, was sie will und nicht auf Hilfe von irgendjemanden zu warten. Ja, es kann manchmal schwierig sein in dieser Babyphase, weil sie nicht versteht, dass Gefahren um die Ecke lauern. Aber deswegen bin ich ja da. Um ihre Endeckungsenergie zu lenken zu etwas ein bisschen altersgerechter.
She wants to do more than she's capable of. She opened a book the other day and squinted at the words. She looked up at me, so I thought she wanted me to read it to her. She screamed when I took it away and started reading it to her. She wanted it back. When I gave it back, she squinted at the words and looked at me. She didn't want me to read it to her, she wanted to read it. I told her I would teach her how to read, but she had to learn how to speak first! This means she is an ambitious person. These kind of people are the ones who invented the telescope, who discovered continents, who built the Great Wall of China. These are the people who reach for the stars and move society forward. Why would I be upset that my child is like that? I'm proud of her! It makes me wonder what wonderful things she is going to accomplish in her life.
Sie will mehr machen als sie dazu fähig ist. Vor ein paar Tagen öffnete sie ein Buch und blinzelte die Wörter an. Sie schaute mich an, also dachte ich, dass sie wollte, dass ich es ihr vorlese. Sie hat geschrieen, als ich es weggenommen habe und angefangen habe es ihr vorzulesen. Sie wollte es zurück haben. Als ich es zurückgab, blinzelte sie die Wörter an und schaute mich an. Sie wollte nicht, dass ich es vorlese, sie wollte es lesen. Ich habe ihr gesagt ich würde ihr das Lesen beibringen, aber erst nachdem sie gelernt hat zu sprechen! Das bedeutet, das sie ein ehrgeiziger Mensch ist. Diese Menschen sind die Arten von Menschen, die das Fernglas erfunden hat, die Kontinente entdeckt haben, die die chinesische Mauer gebaut haben. Die sind Menschen, die nach den Sternen greifen und treiben die Gesellschaft nach Vorne. Warum wäre ich traurig sein, dass mein Kind so ist? Ich bin stolz auf sie! Es lässt mich fragen, was für wunderbare Dinge sie in ihrem Leben vollbringen wird.
I know she has her difficult moments, but don't all children? I know she's a higher energy person than either me or her father, but that just reassures me that she probably won't be overweight like I am. I want to start her in sports as soon as she's old enough to join. She'd love it and it would do her a world of good.
Ich weiß, dass sie schwierige Momente hat, aber haben nicht alle Kinder? Ich weiß, dass sie mehr Energie als ich und ihr Vater alle Beide haben, aber das versichert mich, dass sie wahrscheinlich nicht übergewichtig sein wird wie ich es bin. Ich möchte sie Sport machen lassen so bald, dass sie alt genug ist um mitzumachen. Sie würde es lieben und es wird ihr gut tun.
I'm just so proud of my determined ball of energy and I wouldn't change one thing about her little personality!
Ich bin einfach so stolz auf meine kleine zielstrebige Energiebündel und ich würde gar nichts an ihrer kleinen Persönlichkeit ändern!
Ich lese gerade ein Buch, das heißt der Kinder-Flüsterer und geht darum verschiedene Arten von Energie in Kinder, weil ich ziemlich früh erkannt habe, dass mein Kind sehr unterschiedlich ist von mir und ich wollte ihr dabei helfen ihr bestes Ich zu werden. Seitdem ich über zeilstrebige Kinder lese, merke ich, dass viele viele Eltern mit Kindern wie meins finden, dass die "schwierig" sind. Ich möchte nur ein paar Aspekte ihre Zielstrebigkeit teilen und sagen, damit es keine Misverständnisse geben kann: ich liebe mein Kind genau wie sie ist!
She works toward things. When she sees something she wants, but can't reach, she'll try to get it herself before she looks at me to help her. I think this is a sign that she is an independent, goal-oriented person. This will help her as an adult to go after what she wants and not to depend on others for help. Yes, it can be difficult when she's a baby because she doesn't understand that there are dangers waiting around the corner. But that's what I'm there for. To try and redirect that discoverer's energy to something more age-appropriate.
Sie arbeitet an Dinge. Wenn sie etwas sieht, das sie haben möchte aber nicht erreichen kann, versucht sie zuerst alleine, bevor sie zu mir guckt um Hilfe. Ich denke, das ist ein Zeichen, dass sie ein unabhängiger zielstrebiger Mensch ist. Das wird ihr als Erwachsene helfen an das zu arbeiten, was sie will und nicht auf Hilfe von irgendjemanden zu warten. Ja, es kann manchmal schwierig sein in dieser Babyphase, weil sie nicht versteht, dass Gefahren um die Ecke lauern. Aber deswegen bin ich ja da. Um ihre Endeckungsenergie zu lenken zu etwas ein bisschen altersgerechter.
She wants to do more than she's capable of. She opened a book the other day and squinted at the words. She looked up at me, so I thought she wanted me to read it to her. She screamed when I took it away and started reading it to her. She wanted it back. When I gave it back, she squinted at the words and looked at me. She didn't want me to read it to her, she wanted to read it. I told her I would teach her how to read, but she had to learn how to speak first! This means she is an ambitious person. These kind of people are the ones who invented the telescope, who discovered continents, who built the Great Wall of China. These are the people who reach for the stars and move society forward. Why would I be upset that my child is like that? I'm proud of her! It makes me wonder what wonderful things she is going to accomplish in her life.
Sie will mehr machen als sie dazu fähig ist. Vor ein paar Tagen öffnete sie ein Buch und blinzelte die Wörter an. Sie schaute mich an, also dachte ich, dass sie wollte, dass ich es ihr vorlese. Sie hat geschrieen, als ich es weggenommen habe und angefangen habe es ihr vorzulesen. Sie wollte es zurück haben. Als ich es zurückgab, blinzelte sie die Wörter an und schaute mich an. Sie wollte nicht, dass ich es vorlese, sie wollte es lesen. Ich habe ihr gesagt ich würde ihr das Lesen beibringen, aber erst nachdem sie gelernt hat zu sprechen! Das bedeutet, das sie ein ehrgeiziger Mensch ist. Diese Menschen sind die Arten von Menschen, die das Fernglas erfunden hat, die Kontinente entdeckt haben, die die chinesische Mauer gebaut haben. Die sind Menschen, die nach den Sternen greifen und treiben die Gesellschaft nach Vorne. Warum wäre ich traurig sein, dass mein Kind so ist? Ich bin stolz auf sie! Es lässt mich fragen, was für wunderbare Dinge sie in ihrem Leben vollbringen wird.
I know she has her difficult moments, but don't all children? I know she's a higher energy person than either me or her father, but that just reassures me that she probably won't be overweight like I am. I want to start her in sports as soon as she's old enough to join. She'd love it and it would do her a world of good.
Ich weiß, dass sie schwierige Momente hat, aber haben nicht alle Kinder? Ich weiß, dass sie mehr Energie als ich und ihr Vater alle Beide haben, aber das versichert mich, dass sie wahrscheinlich nicht übergewichtig sein wird wie ich es bin. Ich möchte sie Sport machen lassen so bald, dass sie alt genug ist um mitzumachen. Sie würde es lieben und es wird ihr gut tun.
I'm just so proud of my determined ball of energy and I wouldn't change one thing about her little personality!
Ich bin einfach so stolz auf meine kleine zielstrebige Energiebündel und ich würde gar nichts an ihrer kleinen Persönlichkeit ändern!
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Everything you need for a new baby
I apologize in advance for the non-bilingual post. But this one is a little too lengthy to translate as well.
This post is for couples who are expecting their first baby. There is so much information out there about what you need that it's sometimes easy to ask yourself "what do I really need?" Some people say you absolutely HAVE to have something particular and your favorite aunt tells you that she NEVER used it. Do you really need it? So here are some insights from my own experience and those of some friends of mine. Take it for what it's meant to be, some helpful information. Some people will disagree with me, but please read the explanations included. It will help you to understand my reasoning.
1. Baby bed. It may seem obvious, and I have experience with both a bassinet and a crib. I prefer the crib because it lasts longer. The baby outgrows the bassinet very quickly. If you choose to use the bassinet, go for it. It's adorable and more snuggly for a newborn. If you choose not to, you don't have to. Also, many people choose to co-sleep. That's up to you. (But please do so safely!) If you do, you may think that you don't need a crib because baby will be sleeping with you. That may be, but as the child gets older and more mobile, you won't feel comfortable putting him or her down for a nap unless you're there to watch over them. I would suggest making sure the baby has a place to nap during the day, be that a crib, pack and play, cosleeper, what have you. So, I put this item at the top of my indispensable list. -- I will also include bed accessories here. Sheets and blankets. Don't forget those!
2. Car seat. If you have a car, you will think, "duh!" But even if you don't have a car, this is an indispensable item. Think about how many times people have given you rides places. Now a friend says they'll pick you and the baby up. Don't forget the car seat! It is not safe for a child to ride in a car on your lap. Ever.
3. Clothes. Another obvious one and probably the most fun to buy. Here's a tip, though. When I was pregnant with my little girl, a lot of people gave us clothes that I NEVER used. Most of these were shirts and pants. There are times when you'll want to dress your newborn in shirts and pants, but most of the time, you'll just find them impractical. Newborns don't move much. You mostly have to move them. When wearing seperate shirts and pants, the shirts bunch up under their arms EVERYTIME you pick them up. Annoying. Therefore, I almost exclusively dressed my newborn in onesies and pajamas. I had a few dresses to dress her up (obviously will be something else if you have a boy!) otherwise, she almost never wore anything else. The shift comes when the child can pull themselves to stand. At that point, he or she will slip on a wooden or tile floor in footed pj's. That's when I stopped dressing my baby in one-piece pj's and dressed her in onesies with pants, including shirts when it was too cool to go without. However, at this age, it's also best to allow the child to go barefoot as often as possible. It's been proved better for the child's posture and foot development when they begin walking. So, only shoes for when the child goes outside, maybe two or three pair. More is just superfluous, especially considering how quickly they outgrow them! -- Also clothing-related items. Don't forget that you'll want to put those clothes away! Dresser, clothes closet or wardrobe. It's a necessary item. Also clothing related, but not strictly something to wear, burp cloths. You are going to want them. Babies spit up. It's what babies do.
4. Bottles. When I was pregnant and someone gave me a baby bottle at my baby shower, I first said, "That's okay. I'm going to breastfeed." I was arrogantly sure that I wouldn't need them. However, even if you are able to exclusively breastfeed, you are going to want a few bottles so that you can skip a feeding without your child being very, very hungry. You're going to want to not revolve your entire life around the child sometimes. You can pump or use formula. Your decision. But even if you breastfeed, you will want a few bottles. Since it turned out that I am a very low producer, I also have some experience to share for the bottle-feeding mothers. Unless you want to spend your entire life washing bottles, I would suggest buying enough bottles for at least a day and a half. That will ensure that you only have to wash them once a day even on days where your child is very hungry. For my child, that would be 10. Four large and six small. We also use the small bottles later for juice mixed with water or sometimes water alone.
5. Bottle and other feeding accessories. Bottle brush to clean the bottles thoroughly. Bottle sterilizer I put on the optional list. If you are able to clean them without it, then you don't need it. Your decision. Breast pump if you are able to breastfeed. Breastfeeding pillow to support the baby when breastfeeding. It really helps. Emergency formula for those just-in-case times. Preferably pre-mixed to save time. (I carry around a small bottle with me everywhere I go.)
6. Changing table or other designated changing area. It doesn't have to be an "official" changing table, but somewhere to change the baby is an absolute must. -- Related to that, don't forget to stock up on diapers (cloth or disposable, your decision). Wet wipes to clean up a poopy baby. Diaper rash cream to heal a painful rash. Diaper pail with a lid you can close. Otherwise the smell will eventually overwhelm the room it's in. Baby powder for a chonic rash baby or occasional use on one that's not.
7. High chair. Obviously won't be using this one right away, but when that baby starts trying solids, it's going to be tough feeding them on your lap without getting covered with food yourself. No matter how you choose to feed your baby, they will need their own space to do it. -- Speaking of food flying everywhere, let's talk laundry. Many newborns are sensitive to soaps and dyes, especially if such allergies run in the family. It's a good idea to use dye and perfume free detergents on the baby's clothes for at least the first few weeks. One thing you absolutely can't live without, though, is a good stain remover. That food the baby is throwing around? Yeah, it's going to leave serious stains if you don't have one.
8. Teething stuff. Disclaimer: not all babies teeth badly. Mine did, but not all babies do. If you have a bad teether, though, you're going to want at least one teething ring and teething medicine. The medicine you can find at pretty much any pharmacy.
9. Drug store accessories. These are the kind of things you can find at any drug store, but they're absolutely indispensable. Baby thermometer. Baby nail scissors (those little nails are sharp!). Baby oil (most babies can't handle lotion when they have dry skin). Baby shampoo (so it doesn't hurt them if it gets in their eyes). Baby hair brush / comb (babies have fine hair and the brushes are soft to not hurt their little heads). Baby spoons (with no sharp edges to hurt their mouths). Waterless hand sanitizer. After changing a poopy diaper at the park, you're not going to want to go back to the picnic without at least washing your hands with hand sanitizer.
10. Pediatrician. If you haven't already, ask around which pediatrician near you people like. Some require that you call and ask before making an appointment for your child to be seen. If possible, try and do the research before the baby is born.
11. Diaper bag. The bag itself doesn't have to be special, but you will need a bag to carry diapers, bottles, toys, etc. There's always something else you will need. Make sure the bag is large enough to carry everything you need for a few hours.
12. Camera. Believe me, there will be a million firsts and you're going to want to capture as many as possible on film. A camera that also has the ability to take short videos is ideal.
13. Vacuum. Sounds stupid, but when that baby starts getting mobile and eating solids, you WILL be vacuuming everyday. If you don't have one, get one.
This is the end of what I consider the "essentials" list. There will be more that lot of other people consider essential, but I don't think that EVERY baby uses them, so I'm putting them on the maybe list. The following is a list of things that some babies might need, but not every baby will use.
1. Stroller. For me, this was an essential because I walk a lot. Baby comes too. If you walk a lot and will want to take your baby you will want a stroller. The best ones are able to change from a pram-style with baby laying down, to stroller-style with baby sitting up. -- A related item is a baby carrier. Another possiblity if you walk a lot. No matter how light your baby is, after 20 minutes of walking with that baby in your arms, it feels heavy.
2. Baby swing. Some babies love it and it's the only way they'll settle down. Mine wasn't ever a real fan unless she wasn't feeling well, so we rarely used ours.
3. Pacifier. Some people will be surprised to see this one so low on my list, but my baby never took it. We were given probably 10 different pacifiers before she was born, but if we put one in her mouth, she just spit it back out. Some children have a strong sucking reflex, though, and need it to calm themselves.
4. Toys. Another one where I'll get funny looks for calling them non-essential. However, children at the age of a baby, don't know what toys are. They think they're fun when they have one in their hand, but they'll play just as happily with daddy's shoe as they will with their stuffed animal. The whole world is one big playground for them. Toys don't become truly essential until they're around two.
5. Baby gate. This one is an essential for some families. If you have stairs, it's essential. I was once in a pediatric wing of a hospital and saw the black eye and lacerations of a 7-month-old who fell down the stairs because the parents didn't think he could make it to the stairs because he hadn't started crawling yet. They're more mobile than you think and you don't want any tragedies. That being said, if you don't have stairs, it might not be essential. We live in an apartment with doors in every room. If we want to keep the baby in, we just close the door. So, this one's essential if you have stairs or any missing doors in the apartment or house.
6. Walker. A baby doesn't learn to walk quicker with a walker. If they like it as much as my baby did, then it might be a good idea, but it's not necessary.
7. Baby monitor. If you have a large house where you can't hear your child if he or she cries, then you need one. Or, if you're a heavy sleeper who might not hear them at night. Otherwise, leaving doors open is just as good.
8. Baby bath support. This is a plastic support to hold the baby in the bathtub. Once the baby can sit up alone, you don't need anything special in the bathtub. And most newborns and small babies can be washed in the sink or can be supported by your arms. Of course, if you want one, it's not a bad idea.
9. Bumpers for the crib. We had some because once my baby could roll, she would roll to the edge of the crib and wake up when she hit the edge. If you have a baby like mine, then you might want one. If not, it's not necessary. We took them off when she started playing with them. I would come in to get her after a nap and find that she had crawled under the bumper....
10. Play mat. As a very small baby before she could move much, my baby loved hers. However, she only loved it for about 4 or 5 months. Then she learned how to crawl and started hating it because the bars that form an arch over the play mat got in her way.
11. Play pen. Some children are okay with staying in a confined area for long periods of time, but mine hated it. It's a good idea if you haven't child-proofed your house yet, but it's a temporary solution, not a long-term practicality.
12. CD-player. My baby is a music lover, so this was an essential for her. But if you have a stereo system in the house or if your baby doesn't care about music very much, you may not want one.
Obviously, this won't be a complete list (especially as I haven't even mentioned medicine almost at all) but it should help you get yourself organized as first-time parents. Don't be nervous. That little baby loves you and they haven't even met you yet! Good luck.
This post is for couples who are expecting their first baby. There is so much information out there about what you need that it's sometimes easy to ask yourself "what do I really need?" Some people say you absolutely HAVE to have something particular and your favorite aunt tells you that she NEVER used it. Do you really need it? So here are some insights from my own experience and those of some friends of mine. Take it for what it's meant to be, some helpful information. Some people will disagree with me, but please read the explanations included. It will help you to understand my reasoning.
1. Baby bed. It may seem obvious, and I have experience with both a bassinet and a crib. I prefer the crib because it lasts longer. The baby outgrows the bassinet very quickly. If you choose to use the bassinet, go for it. It's adorable and more snuggly for a newborn. If you choose not to, you don't have to. Also, many people choose to co-sleep. That's up to you. (But please do so safely!) If you do, you may think that you don't need a crib because baby will be sleeping with you. That may be, but as the child gets older and more mobile, you won't feel comfortable putting him or her down for a nap unless you're there to watch over them. I would suggest making sure the baby has a place to nap during the day, be that a crib, pack and play, cosleeper, what have you. So, I put this item at the top of my indispensable list. -- I will also include bed accessories here. Sheets and blankets. Don't forget those!
2. Car seat. If you have a car, you will think, "duh!" But even if you don't have a car, this is an indispensable item. Think about how many times people have given you rides places. Now a friend says they'll pick you and the baby up. Don't forget the car seat! It is not safe for a child to ride in a car on your lap. Ever.
3. Clothes. Another obvious one and probably the most fun to buy. Here's a tip, though. When I was pregnant with my little girl, a lot of people gave us clothes that I NEVER used. Most of these were shirts and pants. There are times when you'll want to dress your newborn in shirts and pants, but most of the time, you'll just find them impractical. Newborns don't move much. You mostly have to move them. When wearing seperate shirts and pants, the shirts bunch up under their arms EVERYTIME you pick them up. Annoying. Therefore, I almost exclusively dressed my newborn in onesies and pajamas. I had a few dresses to dress her up (obviously will be something else if you have a boy!) otherwise, she almost never wore anything else. The shift comes when the child can pull themselves to stand. At that point, he or she will slip on a wooden or tile floor in footed pj's. That's when I stopped dressing my baby in one-piece pj's and dressed her in onesies with pants, including shirts when it was too cool to go without. However, at this age, it's also best to allow the child to go barefoot as often as possible. It's been proved better for the child's posture and foot development when they begin walking. So, only shoes for when the child goes outside, maybe two or three pair. More is just superfluous, especially considering how quickly they outgrow them! -- Also clothing-related items. Don't forget that you'll want to put those clothes away! Dresser, clothes closet or wardrobe. It's a necessary item. Also clothing related, but not strictly something to wear, burp cloths. You are going to want them. Babies spit up. It's what babies do.
4. Bottles. When I was pregnant and someone gave me a baby bottle at my baby shower, I first said, "That's okay. I'm going to breastfeed." I was arrogantly sure that I wouldn't need them. However, even if you are able to exclusively breastfeed, you are going to want a few bottles so that you can skip a feeding without your child being very, very hungry. You're going to want to not revolve your entire life around the child sometimes. You can pump or use formula. Your decision. But even if you breastfeed, you will want a few bottles. Since it turned out that I am a very low producer, I also have some experience to share for the bottle-feeding mothers. Unless you want to spend your entire life washing bottles, I would suggest buying enough bottles for at least a day and a half. That will ensure that you only have to wash them once a day even on days where your child is very hungry. For my child, that would be 10. Four large and six small. We also use the small bottles later for juice mixed with water or sometimes water alone.
5. Bottle and other feeding accessories. Bottle brush to clean the bottles thoroughly. Bottle sterilizer I put on the optional list. If you are able to clean them without it, then you don't need it. Your decision. Breast pump if you are able to breastfeed. Breastfeeding pillow to support the baby when breastfeeding. It really helps. Emergency formula for those just-in-case times. Preferably pre-mixed to save time. (I carry around a small bottle with me everywhere I go.)
6. Changing table or other designated changing area. It doesn't have to be an "official" changing table, but somewhere to change the baby is an absolute must. -- Related to that, don't forget to stock up on diapers (cloth or disposable, your decision). Wet wipes to clean up a poopy baby. Diaper rash cream to heal a painful rash. Diaper pail with a lid you can close. Otherwise the smell will eventually overwhelm the room it's in. Baby powder for a chonic rash baby or occasional use on one that's not.
7. High chair. Obviously won't be using this one right away, but when that baby starts trying solids, it's going to be tough feeding them on your lap without getting covered with food yourself. No matter how you choose to feed your baby, they will need their own space to do it. -- Speaking of food flying everywhere, let's talk laundry. Many newborns are sensitive to soaps and dyes, especially if such allergies run in the family. It's a good idea to use dye and perfume free detergents on the baby's clothes for at least the first few weeks. One thing you absolutely can't live without, though, is a good stain remover. That food the baby is throwing around? Yeah, it's going to leave serious stains if you don't have one.
8. Teething stuff. Disclaimer: not all babies teeth badly. Mine did, but not all babies do. If you have a bad teether, though, you're going to want at least one teething ring and teething medicine. The medicine you can find at pretty much any pharmacy.
9. Drug store accessories. These are the kind of things you can find at any drug store, but they're absolutely indispensable. Baby thermometer. Baby nail scissors (those little nails are sharp!). Baby oil (most babies can't handle lotion when they have dry skin). Baby shampoo (so it doesn't hurt them if it gets in their eyes). Baby hair brush / comb (babies have fine hair and the brushes are soft to not hurt their little heads). Baby spoons (with no sharp edges to hurt their mouths). Waterless hand sanitizer. After changing a poopy diaper at the park, you're not going to want to go back to the picnic without at least washing your hands with hand sanitizer.
10. Pediatrician. If you haven't already, ask around which pediatrician near you people like. Some require that you call and ask before making an appointment for your child to be seen. If possible, try and do the research before the baby is born.
11. Diaper bag. The bag itself doesn't have to be special, but you will need a bag to carry diapers, bottles, toys, etc. There's always something else you will need. Make sure the bag is large enough to carry everything you need for a few hours.
12. Camera. Believe me, there will be a million firsts and you're going to want to capture as many as possible on film. A camera that also has the ability to take short videos is ideal.
13. Vacuum. Sounds stupid, but when that baby starts getting mobile and eating solids, you WILL be vacuuming everyday. If you don't have one, get one.
This is the end of what I consider the "essentials" list. There will be more that lot of other people consider essential, but I don't think that EVERY baby uses them, so I'm putting them on the maybe list. The following is a list of things that some babies might need, but not every baby will use.
1. Stroller. For me, this was an essential because I walk a lot. Baby comes too. If you walk a lot and will want to take your baby you will want a stroller. The best ones are able to change from a pram-style with baby laying down, to stroller-style with baby sitting up. -- A related item is a baby carrier. Another possiblity if you walk a lot. No matter how light your baby is, after 20 minutes of walking with that baby in your arms, it feels heavy.
2. Baby swing. Some babies love it and it's the only way they'll settle down. Mine wasn't ever a real fan unless she wasn't feeling well, so we rarely used ours.
3. Pacifier. Some people will be surprised to see this one so low on my list, but my baby never took it. We were given probably 10 different pacifiers before she was born, but if we put one in her mouth, she just spit it back out. Some children have a strong sucking reflex, though, and need it to calm themselves.
4. Toys. Another one where I'll get funny looks for calling them non-essential. However, children at the age of a baby, don't know what toys are. They think they're fun when they have one in their hand, but they'll play just as happily with daddy's shoe as they will with their stuffed animal. The whole world is one big playground for them. Toys don't become truly essential until they're around two.
5. Baby gate. This one is an essential for some families. If you have stairs, it's essential. I was once in a pediatric wing of a hospital and saw the black eye and lacerations of a 7-month-old who fell down the stairs because the parents didn't think he could make it to the stairs because he hadn't started crawling yet. They're more mobile than you think and you don't want any tragedies. That being said, if you don't have stairs, it might not be essential. We live in an apartment with doors in every room. If we want to keep the baby in, we just close the door. So, this one's essential if you have stairs or any missing doors in the apartment or house.
6. Walker. A baby doesn't learn to walk quicker with a walker. If they like it as much as my baby did, then it might be a good idea, but it's not necessary.
7. Baby monitor. If you have a large house where you can't hear your child if he or she cries, then you need one. Or, if you're a heavy sleeper who might not hear them at night. Otherwise, leaving doors open is just as good.
8. Baby bath support. This is a plastic support to hold the baby in the bathtub. Once the baby can sit up alone, you don't need anything special in the bathtub. And most newborns and small babies can be washed in the sink or can be supported by your arms. Of course, if you want one, it's not a bad idea.
9. Bumpers for the crib. We had some because once my baby could roll, she would roll to the edge of the crib and wake up when she hit the edge. If you have a baby like mine, then you might want one. If not, it's not necessary. We took them off when she started playing with them. I would come in to get her after a nap and find that she had crawled under the bumper....
10. Play mat. As a very small baby before she could move much, my baby loved hers. However, she only loved it for about 4 or 5 months. Then she learned how to crawl and started hating it because the bars that form an arch over the play mat got in her way.
11. Play pen. Some children are okay with staying in a confined area for long periods of time, but mine hated it. It's a good idea if you haven't child-proofed your house yet, but it's a temporary solution, not a long-term practicality.
12. CD-player. My baby is a music lover, so this was an essential for her. But if you have a stereo system in the house or if your baby doesn't care about music very much, you may not want one.
Obviously, this won't be a complete list (especially as I haven't even mentioned medicine almost at all) but it should help you get yourself organized as first-time parents. Don't be nervous. That little baby loves you and they haven't even met you yet! Good luck.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Vacuuming from a baby's perspective / Staubsaugen von einer Babyperspektive
Something strange happens every day. I love playing on the floor. But sometimes, my mom suddenly picks me up and puts me in my walker, even when I didn't want to, and gets a big noisy machine out of the closet. She pulls a funny tail on it, that I'm not allowed to touch, and sticks it in my favorite spot in the wall, that I'm also not allowed to touch. :(
Etwas Komisches passiert jeden Tag. Ich liebe es auf dem Boden zu spielen. Aber manchmal hebt meine Mama mich plötzlich hoch und tut mich in meinem Auto, auch wenn ich es nich möchte, und holt eine große laute Maschine aus dem Schrank. Sie zieht einen komischen Schwanz daran, den ich nicht berühren darf und steckt er in meinen Lieblingspunkt an der Wand, den ich auch nicht berühren darf. :(
Then, she pushes a button on the machine and it makes a loud noise. I don't know why she uses the noise maker everyday. I think the machine is some sort of musical instrument. I like the sounds. I think it's funny. But something strange happens after mommy's done with her funny song. All of the crumbs I threw on the floor for later are gone. I can't find them anywhere, and I'm really good at finding things. I don't know how this mystery happens.
Dann drückt sie einen Knopf an der Maschine und es macht ein lautes Geräusch. Ich weiß nicht warum sie diesen Geräuschmacher jeden Tag benutzt. Ich denke die Maschine eine Art Musikinstrument ist. Ich mag die Geräusche. Ich denke es ist lustig. Aber etwas Komisches passiert nachdem Mama fertig ist mit ihrem lustigen Lied. Die ganze Krümmel, die ich auf den Boden für später geschmissen habe sind weg. Ich kann die nirgendwo finden und ich bin wirkich gut bei Sachen finden. Ich weiß nicht wie dieses geheimnisvolle Ereignis passiert.
Could there be a connection between my mommy's musical instrument and losing all my crumbs? .... Hmmmm.......
Könnte es eine Verbindung geben zwischen Mamas Musikinstrument und meine Krümmel verlieren?... Hmmmm......
Etwas Komisches passiert jeden Tag. Ich liebe es auf dem Boden zu spielen. Aber manchmal hebt meine Mama mich plötzlich hoch und tut mich in meinem Auto, auch wenn ich es nich möchte, und holt eine große laute Maschine aus dem Schrank. Sie zieht einen komischen Schwanz daran, den ich nicht berühren darf und steckt er in meinen Lieblingspunkt an der Wand, den ich auch nicht berühren darf. :(
Then, she pushes a button on the machine and it makes a loud noise. I don't know why she uses the noise maker everyday. I think the machine is some sort of musical instrument. I like the sounds. I think it's funny. But something strange happens after mommy's done with her funny song. All of the crumbs I threw on the floor for later are gone. I can't find them anywhere, and I'm really good at finding things. I don't know how this mystery happens.
Dann drückt sie einen Knopf an der Maschine und es macht ein lautes Geräusch. Ich weiß nicht warum sie diesen Geräuschmacher jeden Tag benutzt. Ich denke die Maschine eine Art Musikinstrument ist. Ich mag die Geräusche. Ich denke es ist lustig. Aber etwas Komisches passiert nachdem Mama fertig ist mit ihrem lustigen Lied. Die ganze Krümmel, die ich auf den Boden für später geschmissen habe sind weg. Ich kann die nirgendwo finden und ich bin wirkich gut bei Sachen finden. Ich weiß nicht wie dieses geheimnisvolle Ereignis passiert.
Could there be a connection between my mommy's musical instrument and losing all my crumbs? .... Hmmmm.......
Könnte es eine Verbindung geben zwischen Mamas Musikinstrument und meine Krümmel verlieren?... Hmmmm......
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Hi, my name's Michelle and I'm a clinical depressive. I don't always show symptoms, but I have the tendency to it. Anyone who has similar issues knows what I mean.
Hallo, ich heiße Michelle und ich bin klinische Depressive. Ich zeige nicht immer Symptome, aber ich habe die Neigung dazu. Jeder, der ähnliche Probleme hat, weiß, was ich meine.
For those who don't have experience with it personally (be thankful!), let me explain what that means.
Für diejenige, die keine persönliche Erfahrung damit haben (sei dankbar!), lass mich erklären, was das bedeutet.
That means that when stress gets under your skin, when you have a lot on your plate, when something difficult happens, you get your symptoms back, like a virus that causes you to get your cough back every cold, winter day. If they don't last too long, then it's not worth treating chemically (with medication).
Das bedeutet, dass wenn Stress mich mitnimmt, wenn ich viel auf meinem Teller habe, wenn Schwierigkeiten auftauchen, kommen die Symptome zurück, wie ein Virus, das verursacht, dass das Husten jeden kalten Wintertag zurückkommt. Wenn die nicht lange dauern, lohnt es sich nicht chemisch zu behandeln (mit Medikamente).
The symptoms? The most obvious are feelings of sadness and listlessness. However, there are physical symptoms as well. Difficulties sleeping (either more or less, I sleep less), appetite changes (more or less, in my case it's more, but only for junk. I have no desire for healthy food.), inexplicable tiredness and lack of motivation.
Die Symptome? Die Offensichtlichsten sind Gefühle von Trauer und Antriebslosigkeit. Es gibt aber körperliche Symptome auch. Schlafstörungen (entweder mehr oder weniger, ich schlafe weniger), Appetitänderungen (mehr oder weniger, in meinem Fall ist es mehr, aber nur für schlechte Dinge. Ich habe kein Appetit aufs Gesundes.), unerklärliche Müdigkeit und Apathie.
The emotional symptoms are the most difficult for me to deal with. I don't care about normal things I should care about. I get annoyed at little things that shouldn't annoy me. I work as hard as I can stand, and I feel like I get nothing done.
Die emotionale Symptome sind die Schwierigste für mich damit umzugehen. Normale Dinge sind mir egal. Ich ärgere mich über Dinge, die mich nicht ärgern sollen. Ich arbeite so hart wie ich es kann und habe das Gefühl, dass ich nicht schaffe.
I hate the tendency. I tend to hate myself. I feel like I'm being attacked by my own mind. I wish I could turn it off. But when the fog descends, I can only do a few things to help myself. I can get up, get dressed, go outside, get some exercise, talk to friends, and try my best to be more active than usual, even though all I want to do is stay in bed all day.
Ich hasse diese Tendenz. Ich neige dazu mich selbst zu hassen. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass ich von meinem eigenen Gehirn attakiert werde. Ich wünsche, dass ich es abschalten könnte. Aber wenn der Nebel fällt, kann ich nur ein paar Ding machen um mir selber zu helfen. Ich kann aufstehen, mich anziehen, raus gehen, Sport machen, mit Freunden reden, und mein Bestes tun um aktiver zu sein als gewöhnlich, obwohl, alles was ich machen möchte, ist den ganzen Tag im Bett bleiben.
I feel like I need more purpose in my life. The cause at the moment is because I don't feel like what I'm doing is meaningful. My child does nothing but cry lately. I know she's teething, but it doesn't make it easier to deal with. Otherwise, why bother? No one notices when I clean up. I cook and I'm the only one that eats it. My dear husband tries, but his job is more important to him right now than what's going on at home.
Ich finde ich muss mehr Bedeutung in meinem Leben finden. Die Ursache im Moment ist weil ich das Gefühl habe, dass was ich mache unwichtig ist. Mein Kind schreit nur in letzter Zeit. Ich weiß, dass sie zahnt, aber es macht es nicht leichter damit umzugehen. Am sonsten, warum soll ich mich anstrengen? Keiner merkt wenn ich aufräume. Ich koche und bin die Einzige, die es isst. Mein lieber Mann versucht, aber sein Job ist ihm im Moment wichtiger als was zu Hause passiert.
I want to feel better again. I want to get out and get some exercise. I'm beginning to look forward to going back to work.
Ich möchte mich wieder besser fühlen. Ich möchte rausgehen und Sport machen. Ich fange an mich darauf zu freuen, wieder arbeiten zu gehen.
Hallo, ich heiße Michelle und ich bin klinische Depressive. Ich zeige nicht immer Symptome, aber ich habe die Neigung dazu. Jeder, der ähnliche Probleme hat, weiß, was ich meine.
For those who don't have experience with it personally (be thankful!), let me explain what that means.
Für diejenige, die keine persönliche Erfahrung damit haben (sei dankbar!), lass mich erklären, was das bedeutet.
That means that when stress gets under your skin, when you have a lot on your plate, when something difficult happens, you get your symptoms back, like a virus that causes you to get your cough back every cold, winter day. If they don't last too long, then it's not worth treating chemically (with medication).
Das bedeutet, dass wenn Stress mich mitnimmt, wenn ich viel auf meinem Teller habe, wenn Schwierigkeiten auftauchen, kommen die Symptome zurück, wie ein Virus, das verursacht, dass das Husten jeden kalten Wintertag zurückkommt. Wenn die nicht lange dauern, lohnt es sich nicht chemisch zu behandeln (mit Medikamente).
The symptoms? The most obvious are feelings of sadness and listlessness. However, there are physical symptoms as well. Difficulties sleeping (either more or less, I sleep less), appetite changes (more or less, in my case it's more, but only for junk. I have no desire for healthy food.), inexplicable tiredness and lack of motivation.
Die Symptome? Die Offensichtlichsten sind Gefühle von Trauer und Antriebslosigkeit. Es gibt aber körperliche Symptome auch. Schlafstörungen (entweder mehr oder weniger, ich schlafe weniger), Appetitänderungen (mehr oder weniger, in meinem Fall ist es mehr, aber nur für schlechte Dinge. Ich habe kein Appetit aufs Gesundes.), unerklärliche Müdigkeit und Apathie.
The emotional symptoms are the most difficult for me to deal with. I don't care about normal things I should care about. I get annoyed at little things that shouldn't annoy me. I work as hard as I can stand, and I feel like I get nothing done.
Die emotionale Symptome sind die Schwierigste für mich damit umzugehen. Normale Dinge sind mir egal. Ich ärgere mich über Dinge, die mich nicht ärgern sollen. Ich arbeite so hart wie ich es kann und habe das Gefühl, dass ich nicht schaffe.
I hate the tendency. I tend to hate myself. I feel like I'm being attacked by my own mind. I wish I could turn it off. But when the fog descends, I can only do a few things to help myself. I can get up, get dressed, go outside, get some exercise, talk to friends, and try my best to be more active than usual, even though all I want to do is stay in bed all day.
Ich hasse diese Tendenz. Ich neige dazu mich selbst zu hassen. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass ich von meinem eigenen Gehirn attakiert werde. Ich wünsche, dass ich es abschalten könnte. Aber wenn der Nebel fällt, kann ich nur ein paar Ding machen um mir selber zu helfen. Ich kann aufstehen, mich anziehen, raus gehen, Sport machen, mit Freunden reden, und mein Bestes tun um aktiver zu sein als gewöhnlich, obwohl, alles was ich machen möchte, ist den ganzen Tag im Bett bleiben.
I feel like I need more purpose in my life. The cause at the moment is because I don't feel like what I'm doing is meaningful. My child does nothing but cry lately. I know she's teething, but it doesn't make it easier to deal with. Otherwise, why bother? No one notices when I clean up. I cook and I'm the only one that eats it. My dear husband tries, but his job is more important to him right now than what's going on at home.
Ich finde ich muss mehr Bedeutung in meinem Leben finden. Die Ursache im Moment ist weil ich das Gefühl habe, dass was ich mache unwichtig ist. Mein Kind schreit nur in letzter Zeit. Ich weiß, dass sie zahnt, aber es macht es nicht leichter damit umzugehen. Am sonsten, warum soll ich mich anstrengen? Keiner merkt wenn ich aufräume. Ich koche und bin die Einzige, die es isst. Mein lieber Mann versucht, aber sein Job ist ihm im Moment wichtiger als was zu Hause passiert.
I want to feel better again. I want to get out and get some exercise. I'm beginning to look forward to going back to work.
Ich möchte mich wieder besser fühlen. Ich möchte rausgehen und Sport machen. Ich fange an mich darauf zu freuen, wieder arbeiten zu gehen.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Playing well with others / gut mit Anderen spielen
Over the past few weeks, Sabrina has had a few opportunities to interact with other children her age and up to two years older. I've made a few observations.
Die letzten paar Wochen hatte Sabrina ein paar Mögichkeiten mit anderen Kinder in ihrem Alter und bis zu zwei Jahre älter zu spielen. Ich habe folgendes beobachtet.
First, my child loves people. She likes to go up to other children and puts her hand out as if to stroke their face, but stops just short of her goal. It's one of the sweetest things I've seen.
Erstens, mein Kind liebt Menschen. Sie mag es zu anderen Kindern zu gehen und ihre Hand auszustrecken als ob sie ihre Gesichter streicheln möchte, aber sie berührt sie nicht. Es ist einer von den süßiste Dinge, die ich je gesehen habe.
Second, she's not a jealous baby. Since children that small have no sense of mine and yours, they tend to take each others' toys. She has yet to get upset when another child took her toy. And she's not yet at a stage where she takes theirs. She just sits and watches them play with her toy without complaint. So proud!
Zweitens, sie ist nicht eifersüchtig. Weil Kleinkinder keine Idee von meins und deins haben, fangen die an die Spielzeuge gegenseitig zu klauen. Bisher regt sie sich nicht auf, wenn ein anderes Kind ihr Spielzeug klaut. Und sie ist noch nicht in der Phase, wo sie ihrs klaut. Sie bleibt einfach sitzen und guckt zu während die mit ihrem Spielzeug spielt ohne sich zu beschweren. So stolz!
Third, she's a little jumpy. When someone makes a sudden, loud noise, or she tips to the side without being able to catch herself she cries everytime, although she rarely hurts herself.
Drittens, sie ist ein bisschen schreckhaft. Wenn jemand ein plötzliches lautes Geräusch macht, oder sie kippt zur Seite ohne, dass sie sich fangen kann, weint sie jedes Mal, obwohl sie sich selten verletzt.
The last one is about me. Since Sabrina's accident (see entry "A Cup of Tea") I'm less willing to let her cry without going to get her. I've become more protective of her than I was before. Perhaps overly protective. It's hard to say when you're on the inside. But in observing the other mothers around me, I inevitably gravitated to my child much more often than they did. I think because of the accident. I don't think I was like that before.
Das letzte geht um mich. Seit Sabrinas Unfall (siehe Post "Eine Tasse Tee") bin ich weniger bereit, sie schreien zu lassen ohne, dass ich sie hole. Ich bin vorsichtiger geworden. Vielleicht übervorsichtig. Es ist schwer zu sagen, wenn man drinnen steckt. Aber indem ich andere Mütter beobachte, werde ich an mein Kind gezogen, viel mehr als sie. Ich denke, wegen des Unfalls. Ich glaube nicht, dass ich vorher so war.
Die letzten paar Wochen hatte Sabrina ein paar Mögichkeiten mit anderen Kinder in ihrem Alter und bis zu zwei Jahre älter zu spielen. Ich habe folgendes beobachtet.
First, my child loves people. She likes to go up to other children and puts her hand out as if to stroke their face, but stops just short of her goal. It's one of the sweetest things I've seen.
Erstens, mein Kind liebt Menschen. Sie mag es zu anderen Kindern zu gehen und ihre Hand auszustrecken als ob sie ihre Gesichter streicheln möchte, aber sie berührt sie nicht. Es ist einer von den süßiste Dinge, die ich je gesehen habe.
Second, she's not a jealous baby. Since children that small have no sense of mine and yours, they tend to take each others' toys. She has yet to get upset when another child took her toy. And she's not yet at a stage where she takes theirs. She just sits and watches them play with her toy without complaint. So proud!
Zweitens, sie ist nicht eifersüchtig. Weil Kleinkinder keine Idee von meins und deins haben, fangen die an die Spielzeuge gegenseitig zu klauen. Bisher regt sie sich nicht auf, wenn ein anderes Kind ihr Spielzeug klaut. Und sie ist noch nicht in der Phase, wo sie ihrs klaut. Sie bleibt einfach sitzen und guckt zu während die mit ihrem Spielzeug spielt ohne sich zu beschweren. So stolz!
Third, she's a little jumpy. When someone makes a sudden, loud noise, or she tips to the side without being able to catch herself she cries everytime, although she rarely hurts herself.
Drittens, sie ist ein bisschen schreckhaft. Wenn jemand ein plötzliches lautes Geräusch macht, oder sie kippt zur Seite ohne, dass sie sich fangen kann, weint sie jedes Mal, obwohl sie sich selten verletzt.
The last one is about me. Since Sabrina's accident (see entry "A Cup of Tea") I'm less willing to let her cry without going to get her. I've become more protective of her than I was before. Perhaps overly protective. It's hard to say when you're on the inside. But in observing the other mothers around me, I inevitably gravitated to my child much more often than they did. I think because of the accident. I don't think I was like that before.
Das letzte geht um mich. Seit Sabrinas Unfall (siehe Post "Eine Tasse Tee") bin ich weniger bereit, sie schreien zu lassen ohne, dass ich sie hole. Ich bin vorsichtiger geworden. Vielleicht übervorsichtig. Es ist schwer zu sagen, wenn man drinnen steckt. Aber indem ich andere Mütter beobachte, werde ich an mein Kind gezogen, viel mehr als sie. Ich denke, wegen des Unfalls. Ich glaube nicht, dass ich vorher so war.
Friday, February 14, 2014
A Cup of Tea / Eine Tasse Tee
Last Saturday something terrible happened. Sabrina and I were visiting a friend of mine on a cold, rainy winter day. My friend suggested that we have a cup of tea to warm up. Good idea. So we're talking, waiting for the tea to cool, Sabrina is happily sitting on my lap, looking around. Within one single second, far too quick to react, Sabrina reached out and tipped over the cup of tea. It spilled all over herself.
Letzten Samstag is etwas schreckliches passiert. Sabrina und ich waren bei einer Freundin von mir zu besuch an einem kalten regnerischen Wintertag. Meine Freundin hat vorgeschlagen, dass wir zum Aufwärmen eine Tasse Tee trinken. Gute Idee. Also redeteten wir, warteten darauf, dass der Tee gekühlt wird, Sabrina sass glücklich auf meinem Schoss und guckte rum. Innerhalb von einer Sekunde, viel zu schnell zu reagieren, reichte Sabrina und kippte die Tasse Tee um. Sie hat es überall auf sich verschüttet.
With her screams ringing through the air, I just said, "Oh no!" It's all I could say. Somewhere deep inside of me a reflex jumped up and forced me to react. I remembered a TV program I watched a million years ago where they said that with a burn over a large area, the first thing you should do is take the clothing off. I yanked off her clothes as quickly as I could. Her whole belly and right leg were lobster red. The skin started peeling off a smallish spot on her belly and her entire right thigh. At first, we thought of putting her under cold running water, but the water was so cold and the area so large, I became concerned that she would get too cold. Instead, we put cold cloths over the worst spots. With tears running down my face, I told my friend I thought she needed a doctor. She called the fire department for me to send an ambulance. We wrapped the baby in a blanket and waited for the doctor.
Mit ihren Schreien in der Luft, sagte ich bloss, "Oh, nein!" Es ist alles was ich sagen konnte. Irgendwo tief in mir eine Reflex ist hochgesprungen und hat mich zu reagieren gezwungen. Ich erinnerte mich an eine Fernsehsendung, die ich vor einen Millionen Jahren geguckt habe, wo die gesagt haben, dass mit einer Verbrennung über einer großen Oberfläche, das erste was man tun soll ist die Kleider ausziehen. Ich zog ihre Kleider aus so schnell wie ich konnte. Ihr ganzer Bauch und rechtes Bein waren Hummelrot. Die Haut fing an zu schüppen an einer kleinen Stelle auf ihren Bauch und ihren ganzen rechten Oberschenkel. Zuerst haben wir daran gedacht, dass wir sie unter kaltes laufendes Wasser tun, aber das Wasser war so kalt und der Bereich so gross, habe ich mir Sorgen gemacht, dass es für sie zu kalt wäre. Anstatt taten wir kalte Handtücher über die schlimmsten Stellen. Mit Tränen mein Gesicht runterlaufend, sagte ich meiner Freundin, ich dachte sie brauchte einen Arzt. Sie rufte das Feuerwehr für mich an und die sandte einen Krankenwagen. Wir wickelten das Baby in einer Decke und warteten auf den Arzt.
We rode to the hospital in the ambulance. The emergency technicians were great. They consulted with each other quickly and discussed how much medicine to give her. They obviously haven't worked on too many little babies. (Thank goodness.) I told them how much she weighed and that helped. They said the most important thing at the moment was to keep her warm enough. She would lose a lot of heat through the burns. We don't want her to get hypothermia.
Wir fuhren zum Krankenhaus mit dem Krankenwagen. Die Notärzte waren super. Die diskutierten mit einander schnell und beschlossen wie viel Medizin sie brauchte. Offenbar hatten die nicht so viel Erfahrung mit kleinen Babys. (Zum Glück.) Ich sagte ihnen wie viel sie wog und das hat geholfen. Sie sagten, das Wichtigste im Moment sei sie warm genug zu halten. Sie verliert sehr viel Hitze durch die Verbrennungen. Wir wollten nicht, dass sie unterkühlt wird.
At the hospital, we came in at the emergency room area, but we didn't stay long. The doctor on duty said he wasn't going to do anything at all until the pediatrician came. When she got there, she had us go to the NICU right away so they could use the anasthesia equipment there. I wasn't allowed to stay, but Sabrina had calmed down quite a bit because of the medicine the emergency technicians gave her. They put her under and dressed her burns. About 45 minutes later, they came out and told me that the burns were second degree, no signs of third degree burns, thank goodness. She said the most critical thing at the moment is to make sure she didn't develop an infection. She would have to stay at least a few days. I was invited to stay with her.
Im Krankenhaus kamen wir in der Notaufnahme an, aber wir blieben nicht lange. Der Notarzt sagte er würde gar nichts machen, bevor die Kinderärztin da war. Als sie dort ankam, brachte sie uns sofort zu der Kinderintesivstation damit die Sabrina dort unter Narkose tun konnten. Ich durfte nicht bleiben, aber Sabrina war viel ruhiger wegen des Medizins, die die Notärzte ihr gegeben haben. Sie wurde betäubt und die haben ihre Verbrennungen gebunden. Ungefähr 45 Minuten später kamen die raus und sagten mir, dass ihre Verbrennungen zweiten Grades waren, keine Anzeichnung von Verbrennungen dritten Grades, zum Glück. Sie sagte, das Wichtigste im Moment war zu gucken, dass sie keine Infektion bekommt. Sie musste aber mindestens ein paar Tage bleiben. Ich wurde eingeladen mit ihr zu bleiben.
My friend brought me the things I left at her house, I had some stuff with me, and a couple things had been left in the ambulance. The emergency technicians had given it to the people at the hospital and they made sure it got sent to the right department. Emergencies are times when you can lose your cell phone and not care at all. It was very easy to forget everything I owned.
Meine Freundin brachte mir die Sachen, die ich bei ihr zu Hause zurückgelassen habe, ich hatte einiges mit mir, und ein paar Dinge habe ich im Krankenwagen vergessen. Die Notärzte haben es im Krankenhaus abgegeben und habe geguckt, dass es in der richten Abteilung ankommt. Notfälle sind Zeiten, wo man sein Handy verlieren kann und es ist ihm völlig egal. Es war leicht alles zu vergessen, was ich besitze.
The hospital gave us some clothes for her to wear because her clothes were soaked through and through. Amazingly enough, she seemed to be doing relatively well that evening.
Der Krankenhaus gab uns Kleider für sie, weil ihre Kleider ganz durchnässt waren. Erstaunlicherweise ging es ihr an dem Abend relativ gut.
Simon came over that night, but he left so early, he didn't know that we would have to stay so he didn't bring us anything. I said that was okay. We would survive the night without fresh clothes. Food and baby stuff they had there.
Simon kam an dem Aben noch vorbei, aber er ist so früh losgefahren, dass er nicht wusste, dass wir die Nacht bleiben mussten und hat uns nichts mitgebracht. Ich sagte, dass das ok war. Wir würden die Nacht ohne frische Kleider überleben. Essen und Babysachen hatten die da gehabt.
I slept on a folding bed next to her crib. The night was tough. She didn't sleep more than two hours in a row. She woke up screaming several times. I made sure she had pain medicine every six hours. They wouldn't give it to me more often. I felt so bad that she wasn't feeling well. I had a lot of trouble sleeping even when she was quiet.
Ich schlief auf einem Klappbett neben ihrem Kinderbett. Die Nacht war schlimm. Sie schlief nicht länger als zwei Stunden hintereinander. Sie wach mehrmals schreiend auf. Es tat mir so Leid, dass es ihr nicht gut ging. Ich konnte nicht gut schlafen, selbst als sie ruhig war.
The next morning Simon got there early and brought us enough clothes for two days as well as some toiletries for me. I was able to take a shower and change as soon as he got there. He took our dirty things home with him also, so we didn't have to keep it there. That day, Sabrina got a little roommate. A little boy her own age who had fallen down the stairs. It's heartbreaking to see such a little one with a black eye. But the two of them seemed to console each other.
Am nächsten Morgen kam Simon früh an und brachte uns genug Kleider für zwei Tage und auch ein paar Sauberkeitssachen für mich. Ich durfte duschen und mich umziehen als er ankam. Er nahm unsere dreckige Sachen mit nach Hause, damit wir es dort nicht aufbewahren mussten. An dem Tag bekam Sabrina ein Zimmergenossen. Ein kleiner Junge in ihrem Alter, der die Treppe runter gefallen ist. Es ist herzzerreissend so ein kleiner zu sehen mit blauem Auge. Aber die zwei schien einander zu trösten.
Later on that day we discovered Sabrina's first tooth. Yeah. Makes me wonder how much of her pain was really from her burns and how much was from teething. The rest of our hospital stay it was difficult to tell.
Später an dem Tag endeckten wir Sabrinas erster Zahn. Ja. Bringt mich mich zu fragen wieviel von ihrem Schmerzen wirklich von ihrer Verbrennungen war und wieviel von Zahnen. Der Rest unser Krankenhausbesuch war es schwierig zu sagen.
Monday morning, they wanted me to wake her up to feed her at 3:30 in the morning and I did try, but she just didn't want to eat. The reason was that they wanted to change her bandages at 8am and they wanted to put her under to do that. In order to do that, she had to not eat or drink for 4 hours beforehand. In the morning, she was hungry and complained about it for hours. 8am came and went. I kept asking when they were going to do this so I could feed my child. They finally got to her at 11am. Poor thing hadn't eaten since 1am. She was on a glucose IV to make sure her blood sugar didn't get too low, but that doesn't stop her stomach from growling.
Montag Morgen wollten die, dass ich sie um 3:30 wach mache um zu essen und ich habe es versucht, aber sie wollte nicht essen. Der Grund dafür ist dass sie ihre Verbände um 8 Uhr wechseln wollte und die wollten sie unter Narkose setzen. Um das zu machen musst sie 4 Stunden nüchtern sein. Morgens hatte sie Hunger und hat sich stundenlang beschwert. 8 Uhr kam und ging. Ich fragte immer wieder wann die das machen wollten, damit ich mein Kind füttern konnte. Endlich haben die es um 11 Uhr gemacht. Die arme hat seit 1Uhr nichts gegessen. Sie hatte eine Glukoseinfusion damit ihr Blutzucker nicht zu niedrig wurde, aber das verhindert nicht ihr Magen zu knorren.
The doctor came to discuss with me what she saw at the bandage change afterwards. She said there was no sign of infection, but especially the thigh looked really painful still and she wanted to change the bandages under sedation again on Wednesday. She said it would be best if we stayed until then. Simon was really unhappy about it, but my attitude was to do what was best for my child. If it helped her, then it was all worth it.
Die Ärztin kam zu mir um mir zu sagen, was sie bei der Verbandwechsel gesehen hatte. Sie sagte es gäbe kein Anzeichen von Infektion, aber besonders der Oberschenkel sah noch sehr schmerzhaft aus und sie wollte die nächste Verbandwechsel am Mittwoch nochmal unter Narkose machen. Sie sagte es ist am besten, wenn wir bis dahin im Krankenhaus bleiben würden. Simon war nicht besonders erfreut darüber, aber meine Einstellung war das zu machen, was für mein Kind am Besten ist. Wenn es ihr hilft, dann lohnte es sich.
Later that day, Sabrina took her first crawling "steps". I didn't even think it was possible with the bandage around her thigh, but she proved me wrong.
Später an dem Tag, fing Sabrina an wirklich zu krabbeln. Ich wusste gar nicht dass es möglich war mit dem Verband um ihren Oberschenkel, aber sie hat es mir gezeigt.
Wednesday's bandage change went better. She actually woke up to eat on her own just after 5am. She had her bandages changed at 10. The doctor told me that everything looked good enough that she could, with a clear conscience, send us home. She simply asked that we come back on Friday for the next bandage change. She said the burn had really good circulation and looked like it would heal without a scar.
Die Mittwoch Verbandwechsel ging besser. Sie ist tatsächlich von sich aus wach geworden um zu essen kurz nach 5 Uhr. Ihre Verbandwechsel war um 10. Die Ärztin sagte mir, dass alles gut aussah. Gut genug, dass sie konnte mit reinem Gewissen uns nach Hause schicken. Sie bat einfach, dass wir am Freitag zurückkamen für die nächste Verbandwechsel. Sie sagte, die Verbrennungen schön durchblutet waren und es sah so aus als ob es ohne Narbe heilen würde.
We're very grateful for the fast and efficient medical care Sabrina received through the whole thing. From the emergency technicians to the pediatrician on call to the hospital nurses to the students who brought us more diapers when we ran out. I'm so grateful to live in a place that has such good medical care and caring people who live around us. I'm glad that Sabrina's wounds aren't as bad as they could have been. I'm grateful that Sabrina continued to make progress as if to tell us that everything is okay. I have an amazing daughter.
Wir sind sehr dankbar für die schnelle und effiziente medizinische Vorsorge, die Sabrina durch das Ganze gekriegt hat. Von den Notärzte, der Kinderärztin, den Krankenschwestern, und den Studentinnen, die uns immer mehr Windeln gebracht haben, wenn wir keins mehr hatten. Ich bin so dankbar in einem Ort zu wohnen, der so gute medizinische Vorsorge und nette Menschen um uns hat. Ich bin froh, dass Sabrinas Wunden nicht so schlimm sind, wie die hätte sein können. Ich bin dankbar, dass Sabrina weiter Fortschritt macht, als ob sie uns sagen möchte, dass alles ok ist. Ich habe eine erstaunliche Tochter.
Letzten Samstag is etwas schreckliches passiert. Sabrina und ich waren bei einer Freundin von mir zu besuch an einem kalten regnerischen Wintertag. Meine Freundin hat vorgeschlagen, dass wir zum Aufwärmen eine Tasse Tee trinken. Gute Idee. Also redeteten wir, warteten darauf, dass der Tee gekühlt wird, Sabrina sass glücklich auf meinem Schoss und guckte rum. Innerhalb von einer Sekunde, viel zu schnell zu reagieren, reichte Sabrina und kippte die Tasse Tee um. Sie hat es überall auf sich verschüttet.
With her screams ringing through the air, I just said, "Oh no!" It's all I could say. Somewhere deep inside of me a reflex jumped up and forced me to react. I remembered a TV program I watched a million years ago where they said that with a burn over a large area, the first thing you should do is take the clothing off. I yanked off her clothes as quickly as I could. Her whole belly and right leg were lobster red. The skin started peeling off a smallish spot on her belly and her entire right thigh. At first, we thought of putting her under cold running water, but the water was so cold and the area so large, I became concerned that she would get too cold. Instead, we put cold cloths over the worst spots. With tears running down my face, I told my friend I thought she needed a doctor. She called the fire department for me to send an ambulance. We wrapped the baby in a blanket and waited for the doctor.
Mit ihren Schreien in der Luft, sagte ich bloss, "Oh, nein!" Es ist alles was ich sagen konnte. Irgendwo tief in mir eine Reflex ist hochgesprungen und hat mich zu reagieren gezwungen. Ich erinnerte mich an eine Fernsehsendung, die ich vor einen Millionen Jahren geguckt habe, wo die gesagt haben, dass mit einer Verbrennung über einer großen Oberfläche, das erste was man tun soll ist die Kleider ausziehen. Ich zog ihre Kleider aus so schnell wie ich konnte. Ihr ganzer Bauch und rechtes Bein waren Hummelrot. Die Haut fing an zu schüppen an einer kleinen Stelle auf ihren Bauch und ihren ganzen rechten Oberschenkel. Zuerst haben wir daran gedacht, dass wir sie unter kaltes laufendes Wasser tun, aber das Wasser war so kalt und der Bereich so gross, habe ich mir Sorgen gemacht, dass es für sie zu kalt wäre. Anstatt taten wir kalte Handtücher über die schlimmsten Stellen. Mit Tränen mein Gesicht runterlaufend, sagte ich meiner Freundin, ich dachte sie brauchte einen Arzt. Sie rufte das Feuerwehr für mich an und die sandte einen Krankenwagen. Wir wickelten das Baby in einer Decke und warteten auf den Arzt.
We rode to the hospital in the ambulance. The emergency technicians were great. They consulted with each other quickly and discussed how much medicine to give her. They obviously haven't worked on too many little babies. (Thank goodness.) I told them how much she weighed and that helped. They said the most important thing at the moment was to keep her warm enough. She would lose a lot of heat through the burns. We don't want her to get hypothermia.
Wir fuhren zum Krankenhaus mit dem Krankenwagen. Die Notärzte waren super. Die diskutierten mit einander schnell und beschlossen wie viel Medizin sie brauchte. Offenbar hatten die nicht so viel Erfahrung mit kleinen Babys. (Zum Glück.) Ich sagte ihnen wie viel sie wog und das hat geholfen. Sie sagten, das Wichtigste im Moment sei sie warm genug zu halten. Sie verliert sehr viel Hitze durch die Verbrennungen. Wir wollten nicht, dass sie unterkühlt wird.
At the hospital, we came in at the emergency room area, but we didn't stay long. The doctor on duty said he wasn't going to do anything at all until the pediatrician came. When she got there, she had us go to the NICU right away so they could use the anasthesia equipment there. I wasn't allowed to stay, but Sabrina had calmed down quite a bit because of the medicine the emergency technicians gave her. They put her under and dressed her burns. About 45 minutes later, they came out and told me that the burns were second degree, no signs of third degree burns, thank goodness. She said the most critical thing at the moment is to make sure she didn't develop an infection. She would have to stay at least a few days. I was invited to stay with her.
Im Krankenhaus kamen wir in der Notaufnahme an, aber wir blieben nicht lange. Der Notarzt sagte er würde gar nichts machen, bevor die Kinderärztin da war. Als sie dort ankam, brachte sie uns sofort zu der Kinderintesivstation damit die Sabrina dort unter Narkose tun konnten. Ich durfte nicht bleiben, aber Sabrina war viel ruhiger wegen des Medizins, die die Notärzte ihr gegeben haben. Sie wurde betäubt und die haben ihre Verbrennungen gebunden. Ungefähr 45 Minuten später kamen die raus und sagten mir, dass ihre Verbrennungen zweiten Grades waren, keine Anzeichnung von Verbrennungen dritten Grades, zum Glück. Sie sagte, das Wichtigste im Moment war zu gucken, dass sie keine Infektion bekommt. Sie musste aber mindestens ein paar Tage bleiben. Ich wurde eingeladen mit ihr zu bleiben.
My friend brought me the things I left at her house, I had some stuff with me, and a couple things had been left in the ambulance. The emergency technicians had given it to the people at the hospital and they made sure it got sent to the right department. Emergencies are times when you can lose your cell phone and not care at all. It was very easy to forget everything I owned.
Meine Freundin brachte mir die Sachen, die ich bei ihr zu Hause zurückgelassen habe, ich hatte einiges mit mir, und ein paar Dinge habe ich im Krankenwagen vergessen. Die Notärzte haben es im Krankenhaus abgegeben und habe geguckt, dass es in der richten Abteilung ankommt. Notfälle sind Zeiten, wo man sein Handy verlieren kann und es ist ihm völlig egal. Es war leicht alles zu vergessen, was ich besitze.
The hospital gave us some clothes for her to wear because her clothes were soaked through and through. Amazingly enough, she seemed to be doing relatively well that evening.
Der Krankenhaus gab uns Kleider für sie, weil ihre Kleider ganz durchnässt waren. Erstaunlicherweise ging es ihr an dem Abend relativ gut.
Simon came over that night, but he left so early, he didn't know that we would have to stay so he didn't bring us anything. I said that was okay. We would survive the night without fresh clothes. Food and baby stuff they had there.
Simon kam an dem Aben noch vorbei, aber er ist so früh losgefahren, dass er nicht wusste, dass wir die Nacht bleiben mussten und hat uns nichts mitgebracht. Ich sagte, dass das ok war. Wir würden die Nacht ohne frische Kleider überleben. Essen und Babysachen hatten die da gehabt.
I slept on a folding bed next to her crib. The night was tough. She didn't sleep more than two hours in a row. She woke up screaming several times. I made sure she had pain medicine every six hours. They wouldn't give it to me more often. I felt so bad that she wasn't feeling well. I had a lot of trouble sleeping even when she was quiet.
Ich schlief auf einem Klappbett neben ihrem Kinderbett. Die Nacht war schlimm. Sie schlief nicht länger als zwei Stunden hintereinander. Sie wach mehrmals schreiend auf. Es tat mir so Leid, dass es ihr nicht gut ging. Ich konnte nicht gut schlafen, selbst als sie ruhig war.
The next morning Simon got there early and brought us enough clothes for two days as well as some toiletries for me. I was able to take a shower and change as soon as he got there. He took our dirty things home with him also, so we didn't have to keep it there. That day, Sabrina got a little roommate. A little boy her own age who had fallen down the stairs. It's heartbreaking to see such a little one with a black eye. But the two of them seemed to console each other.
Am nächsten Morgen kam Simon früh an und brachte uns genug Kleider für zwei Tage und auch ein paar Sauberkeitssachen für mich. Ich durfte duschen und mich umziehen als er ankam. Er nahm unsere dreckige Sachen mit nach Hause, damit wir es dort nicht aufbewahren mussten. An dem Tag bekam Sabrina ein Zimmergenossen. Ein kleiner Junge in ihrem Alter, der die Treppe runter gefallen ist. Es ist herzzerreissend so ein kleiner zu sehen mit blauem Auge. Aber die zwei schien einander zu trösten.
Later on that day we discovered Sabrina's first tooth. Yeah. Makes me wonder how much of her pain was really from her burns and how much was from teething. The rest of our hospital stay it was difficult to tell.
Später an dem Tag endeckten wir Sabrinas erster Zahn. Ja. Bringt mich mich zu fragen wieviel von ihrem Schmerzen wirklich von ihrer Verbrennungen war und wieviel von Zahnen. Der Rest unser Krankenhausbesuch war es schwierig zu sagen.
Monday morning, they wanted me to wake her up to feed her at 3:30 in the morning and I did try, but she just didn't want to eat. The reason was that they wanted to change her bandages at 8am and they wanted to put her under to do that. In order to do that, she had to not eat or drink for 4 hours beforehand. In the morning, she was hungry and complained about it for hours. 8am came and went. I kept asking when they were going to do this so I could feed my child. They finally got to her at 11am. Poor thing hadn't eaten since 1am. She was on a glucose IV to make sure her blood sugar didn't get too low, but that doesn't stop her stomach from growling.
Montag Morgen wollten die, dass ich sie um 3:30 wach mache um zu essen und ich habe es versucht, aber sie wollte nicht essen. Der Grund dafür ist dass sie ihre Verbände um 8 Uhr wechseln wollte und die wollten sie unter Narkose setzen. Um das zu machen musst sie 4 Stunden nüchtern sein. Morgens hatte sie Hunger und hat sich stundenlang beschwert. 8 Uhr kam und ging. Ich fragte immer wieder wann die das machen wollten, damit ich mein Kind füttern konnte. Endlich haben die es um 11 Uhr gemacht. Die arme hat seit 1Uhr nichts gegessen. Sie hatte eine Glukoseinfusion damit ihr Blutzucker nicht zu niedrig wurde, aber das verhindert nicht ihr Magen zu knorren.
The doctor came to discuss with me what she saw at the bandage change afterwards. She said there was no sign of infection, but especially the thigh looked really painful still and she wanted to change the bandages under sedation again on Wednesday. She said it would be best if we stayed until then. Simon was really unhappy about it, but my attitude was to do what was best for my child. If it helped her, then it was all worth it.
Die Ärztin kam zu mir um mir zu sagen, was sie bei der Verbandwechsel gesehen hatte. Sie sagte es gäbe kein Anzeichen von Infektion, aber besonders der Oberschenkel sah noch sehr schmerzhaft aus und sie wollte die nächste Verbandwechsel am Mittwoch nochmal unter Narkose machen. Sie sagte es ist am besten, wenn wir bis dahin im Krankenhaus bleiben würden. Simon war nicht besonders erfreut darüber, aber meine Einstellung war das zu machen, was für mein Kind am Besten ist. Wenn es ihr hilft, dann lohnte es sich.
Later that day, Sabrina took her first crawling "steps". I didn't even think it was possible with the bandage around her thigh, but she proved me wrong.
Später an dem Tag, fing Sabrina an wirklich zu krabbeln. Ich wusste gar nicht dass es möglich war mit dem Verband um ihren Oberschenkel, aber sie hat es mir gezeigt.
Wednesday's bandage change went better. She actually woke up to eat on her own just after 5am. She had her bandages changed at 10. The doctor told me that everything looked good enough that she could, with a clear conscience, send us home. She simply asked that we come back on Friday for the next bandage change. She said the burn had really good circulation and looked like it would heal without a scar.
Die Mittwoch Verbandwechsel ging besser. Sie ist tatsächlich von sich aus wach geworden um zu essen kurz nach 5 Uhr. Ihre Verbandwechsel war um 10. Die Ärztin sagte mir, dass alles gut aussah. Gut genug, dass sie konnte mit reinem Gewissen uns nach Hause schicken. Sie bat einfach, dass wir am Freitag zurückkamen für die nächste Verbandwechsel. Sie sagte, die Verbrennungen schön durchblutet waren und es sah so aus als ob es ohne Narbe heilen würde.
We're very grateful for the fast and efficient medical care Sabrina received through the whole thing. From the emergency technicians to the pediatrician on call to the hospital nurses to the students who brought us more diapers when we ran out. I'm so grateful to live in a place that has such good medical care and caring people who live around us. I'm glad that Sabrina's wounds aren't as bad as they could have been. I'm grateful that Sabrina continued to make progress as if to tell us that everything is okay. I have an amazing daughter.
Wir sind sehr dankbar für die schnelle und effiziente medizinische Vorsorge, die Sabrina durch das Ganze gekriegt hat. Von den Notärzte, der Kinderärztin, den Krankenschwestern, und den Studentinnen, die uns immer mehr Windeln gebracht haben, wenn wir keins mehr hatten. Ich bin so dankbar in einem Ort zu wohnen, der so gute medizinische Vorsorge und nette Menschen um uns hat. Ich bin froh, dass Sabrinas Wunden nicht so schlimm sind, wie die hätte sein können. Ich bin dankbar, dass Sabrina weiter Fortschritt macht, als ob sie uns sagen möchte, dass alles ok ist. Ich habe eine erstaunliche Tochter.
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